UNIT 1 Coursebook

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ex 1
1.D 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.A

Ex 2
SB:She's from Tokyo, Japan.
SB:She's in her 25 years.
SB:She's pretty and friendly smile.
SB:She's a manicurist.

SB:He's from Boston, USA.
SB:He's in his 47 years.
SB:He's a tall and overweight medium build.
SB:He's a business man.

SB:He's from London, England.
SB:He's in his 51 years.
SB:He's a slimand tall and has got grey bread and a moustache.
SB:He's a gardener.

SB:He's from Paris, France.
SB:He's in his 38 years.
SB:He's tall and overweight.
SB:He's a florist.

Ex 3
Lee is from Tokyo, Japan. She is in her mid-twenties. She is slim, with long straight dark hair. She's pretty, with full lips and a friendly smile. She's a manicurist.
William is from Boston, USA. He's 47 years old. He's medium build. He's a businessman.
Bob is from London, England. He's 51 years old. He's tall and slim. with grey bread and a moustache. He's got dark complexion and a few wrinkles. He's a gardener.
Pierre is from Paris, France. He's 38 years old. He's tall and overweight. He's going bald . He's a florist.

Ex 4
1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B

Ex 5
1. Thailand is located in Asia.
2. People in Thailand are usually short.
3. Thais like eating seafood and rice.
4. Thais enjoy going to traditional dance shows.
5. picture L shows a temple.
6. Most people in Thailand live in villages.

Ex 6
1.J 2.K 3.F 4.G 5.I

Ex 7
1.False 2.True 3.False 4.True 5.True

Ex 8
1. Thailand is just south of China.
2. Thai people are good looking.
3. They are short with delicate features.
4. Most people in Thailand live in villages.
5. A typical Thai villages consist of wooden houses.
6. Most of the people in villages are farmers and fishermen.
7. They love eating rice with their meals and use a lot of strong spices in their cooking.
8. Popular free time activitiesinclude Thai boxing and watch traditional dance shows.

Ex 9
1. a rich culture 2. a tropical climate. 3. sandy beaches 4. ancient temples
5. a holiday destination 6. delicate faetures 7. friendly people 8. strong wills
9. wooden houses 10. cultural history

Ex 10
1. The Japanese are well known for their hospitality.
2. Ann's generous nature makes her very special to everyone.
3. A typical Italian meal consists of pasta, meat and salat.
4. Indian people like spicy curries.
5. The guidebook includes information on hotels and trains.
6. The Spanish celebrate a lot of festivals every year.

Ex 11
1. to have sth in common; 2. to be proud of sb/sth; 3. to live in a village;
4. to consist of sth; 5. to be well known for sth;

Ex 14
1.G 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.H 6.E 7.F 8.D

Ex 16
1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.B

Ex 17
Food 4; Location/Accommodation 1; People (looks/character) 3;
Plans 5; Weather/sights/activities 2; Recommendation 6;

Ex 19
1. a fantastic time; 2. historic hotel; 3. a spetacular veiw;
4. thick snow; 5. quite waters; 6. smoked salmon;

Ex 21
1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.E

Ex 24
1. Where does Ann live? She live in England.
Is she married? Yes. she is.
What does she do? She's a secretary.
What does she do at work? She type letters.
What's she going now? She's reading a magazine.
2. Where does Glen live? He live in Australia.
Is he single? Yes, he is.
What does he do? He's mechanic.
What does he do at work? He fixes cars.
3. Where does Marie live? She lives in France.
Is she divorced? Yes, she is.
What does she do? She is doctor.
What does she do at work? She's atreats sick ppeople.
4. Where does Hans live? He lives in Germany.
Is he married? Yes, he is.
What does he do? He's a lawyer.
What does he do at work? He advises people about the law.

Ex 25
How old are you?
How tall are you?
What type of your hair like?
What coluor eyes have you got?
What isbuild are you?
What is your glasses?

Ex 26
A: Excuse me. I looking for Mr Harris.
B: He's upstairs. I going there myself.
A: Oh really? Can I come with you?
B: Of course. Do you work here?
A: Yes. I am work in the Sales Department. How about you?
B: I was Mr Harris' secretary, Susan Blair.
A: Tony Miller. Nice to meet you.
B: Nice to meet you, too.
A: Do you anything later? We could go for a coffee after work.
B: I usually leaves work at four, but today I staying late because we have animportant meeting and Mr Harris needs me. Sorry-some other time, perhaps.

Ex 29
A: So, Rosa, where are you from?
B: I am from Lisbon.
A: Ah, Lisbon! That is a beautiful city. So what do you do, Rosa?
B: I am an actress.
A: And what do you doing here in the UK?
B: I am working. I work with the Royal Theatre Company, and this year we are touring Britain.
A: Tell me, Rosa, what are you think of this country?
B: Well, London isn't like Lisbon at all! Ido not like the food very much and the sun does not shine very often, but the people are graet, and I love shopping here!
A: And what are you doing today?
B: I am seeing my friends this evening. We are going to the theatre.
A: Do you travel to other countries, too?
B: Yes, we do. Next year we are travelling to Canada. I can't wait!

Ex 30
1.B 2.A


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