UNIT 2 Coursebook

Saturday, February 20, 2010

1. play 2. ride 3. go 4. read 5. meet 6. watch 7. have 8. listen to 9. wash 10. do

Ex 3
a space shuttle in orbit A; a 'space walk' D; a satellite C; astronauts working with each other D;
the crew aboard a spaceship B?

Ex 4
1. 6:41; 2. easy; 3. two six-hour; 4. earth;

Ex 5
1. B 2.C 3. A

Ex 6
1.a space shuttle 2.a typical day 3.a couple of hours 4.a six-hour space walk5.to help each other
6.personal e-mail 7.a wet sponge 8.to take photos 9. a short break 10.a rock song

Ex 7
1. pieces; 2. task; 3. project; 4. admiring; 5. take over;

Ex 8
1. crew; 2. fans; 3. audience; 4. viewers;

Ex 9
1. in orbit; 2. on a mission; 3. wake sb up; 4. work on projects; 5. go back to work;
6. sit by the window; 7. according to NASA; 8. take over for the night;

Ex 12
newer rarely occasionally sometimes often usually always

Ex 13
-make your bed in the morning-always
-do the washing up-usually
-play basketball on Mondays-rarely
-visit relatives at weekends-sometimes
-watch the evening news on tv-always
-brush your teeth before going to bed-always

Ex 14
SA: What time does Tom have Maths?
SB: He has Maths from 9:10 till 10:00.
SA: Where does he have Maths?
SB: In classroom 201.

SA: What time does Tom have Geography?
SB: He has Geography from 10:10 till 11:00.
SA: Where does he have Geography?
SB: In classroom 103.

SA: What time does Tom have Chemistry?
SB: He has Chemistry from 11:30 till 12:20.
SA: Where does he have Chemistry?
SB: In the Science Lab.

Ex 15
1. How far 2. How 3. How long

Ex 18
appear-appeared travel-travelled be-was live-lived sing-sang go-went

Ex 20
Pauline used to have glasses but now she's got contact lenses.
Pauline used to wear brightly coloured T-shirts, but now she wears smart clothes.
Pauline used to smoke, but now she don't smoke anymore.

Ex 21
1. So do I. 2. Nor do I. 3. I do 4. I don't

Ex 22
1.False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. False

Ex 24
1. do you come 2. come 3. do you study 4. want to 5. do you 6. do you go 7. started
8. finished 9. do you travel 10. do you do 11. am studing 12. meeting 13. going

Ex 26
1.They used to wear sandals. 2.They used to ride motornikes. 3.They used to listen to Walkmans
4.Men used to wear suits. 5.Women wsed to wear bracelets. 6.They used to have mobile phones.

Ex 28
Then: a flat in the middle of Bristol
long hair, quite plump, blue jeans
hamburgers, chocolate
football, cinema, rock concert
Now: a large house with a garden in the countryside
slim, handsome, short hair, expensive suits
fruit, salad, orange juice
parties, nightclubs, theatre


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